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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

NELA BIKES: Santa Bike Ride Nov 12

This Holiday season, Santa is bringing good cheer and presents sans the reindeer.
How will he deliver toys to needy families? On a bicycle of course!
And you can help -- join the Toy NOT Drive.

Meet at Heritage Square/Arroyo Gold Line Station (with your bike, of course!)
3545 Pasadena Avenue (one block south of N. Figueroa St.)
Gather on Saturday, November 12th at Noon. The ride leaves promptly at 12:30 pm

The family friendly ride will last about an hour and will be mostly flat and at a pace of about 7-10 miles per hour. Participants are asked to bring gifts to be donated to the Hathaway Family Resource Center, where the ride will end.

The mission of the Hathaway Center is to support families in providing a safe and nurturing environment for theirchildren. The Center does this by offering a variety of programs throughout the Northeast Los Angeles area.

NELA Bike Riders carrying teddy bears, basketballs, movie passes, DVDs and an assortment of gifts will cruise together in a celebration of sustainable transportation, community, and best of all, giving to those in need. Wear your Santa hat!

For more information and the gift wish list, visit http://www.NELABikes.com or call 323-478-1036.
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